Videos and Webinars:

New Year New Me

Thursday 10 February 2022

There is no doubt that we live in times of profound change and disruption. It has become obvious how we as humans, our systems and institutions are currently not able to cope with the global challenges that we face.
If we want to create positive systemic change we need to fundamentally shift the way we are operating – from the inside out – on an individual level and as a collective.

Now, more than ever before, we need the skills to understand ourselves better. To have compassion for ourselves, empathy for others, and reach for a support network within so we can better help those around us.

SARSEN exists to explore the connection between consciousness and technology, sharing wellbeing practices that are inclusive for everyone, and helping us all find the tools to feel more ourselves.

In this session...

We have brought together expert partners to explore what is happening to us, and share practical actions and constructive practises that we can take to make positive systemic change on an individual level and as a collective.

The event is an introduction to the theory of the consciousness gap and wellbeing and we are joined by our guest speakers, Simon Hampel and Jess Edwards.


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