
The 8 Management Behaviours That Do Most to Encourage Super Performance

Written by Kevin Murray CMgr CCMI Thursday 27 April 2017
When leaders give their teams a greater sense of purpose, they drive up levels of happiness, engagement, and performance. Learning to be a more purpose-led manager is truly the low-hanging fruit of the productivity tree
Management Behaviours

Most people think purpose is about a compelling statement that explains why you exist as an organisation. I disagree.

A sense of purpose comes from not only a meaningful reason to be, it is also about the culture in which to thrive; the goals we need to achieve and the resolve, energy, commitment and drive to achieve the impossible.

Sadly, a large percentage of managers say that defining and embedding purpose is one of the things they are weakest at doing, and their employees agree.

Special research conducted for my latest book, People with Purpose, by online polling company YouGov, points to what you need to do to inspire super performance from your team.

YouGov polled 1,880 managers and 2,200 employees across a range of commercial sectors, public sector and charity organisations. Here are the top eight behaviours YouGov identified that motivate your people by giving them a greater sense of purpose.

Want to learn more about behaviours that encourage super performance?


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