Videos and Webinars:

Back to Work: Post-Lockdown Wellbeing

Monday 01 June 2020

Explore the vital role managers and leaders play in supporting the mental wellbeing of their teams.

If one good thing has come from this unprecedented crisis, it's that mental wellbeing particularly at work that has been put on the Management & Leadership mainstage. It's resulted in an incredibly welcome focus on staff wellbeing, and organisations are more aware of their role in their employees' mental health than ever before.

Teams grappled with a whole range of worries: from job security, financial concerns and returning to work after being furloughed, to their health, and the health of their families, as they start to use public transport and mix with others again.

In this session...

As we begin to make preparations to re-enter the workplace, a new phase of change and uncertainty awaits.

Join esteemed CMI Companion, Simon Blake OBE, CEO of Mental Health First Aid England, as he explores the vital role managers and leaders play in supporting the mental wellbeing of their teams, and answers your questions in a live, interactive Q&A.


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