Membership Terms and Conditions

CMI is the pre-eminent professional body for management in the UK. Individual managers gain membership of the CMI through their level of professional management qualification and/or practical experience.
CMI is a registered charity no 1091035 and incorporated by Royal Charter, whose registered office is 77 Kingsway, London, WC2B 6SR. The CMI is governed by its Royal Charter, Byelaws and Regulations.
From time to time we may introduce various offers with specific incentives and/or payment methods which vary these terms and conditions slightly. Details of these will be set out in the offer itself.
These terms and conditions form the basis of the contract through which the Chartered Management Institute (CMI, we or us) will deliver a service to you as a CMI member or subscriber (you). On becoming a member or subscriber of CMI you agree to these terms and conditions. We will handle your personal data in accordance with our privacy policy.
Membership Benefits
Membership of the CMI will provide you with membership at Subscriber, Student, Affiliate, Associate, Member, Chartered Member, Fellow or Chartered Fellow level. Companions of the Institute join by invitation only.
As a CMI member you will receive a wide range of benefits.
For typical membership package details, please click here.
Membership packages may vary according to the grade of membership held. Subscribers are given specific benefits which are outlined below.
We reserve the right to change the benefits that apply to CMI membership at any time and without prior notice.
Any external providers of a benefit included within your membership package will have absolute discretion in relation to the provision of services, and membership of CMI does not guarantee that the external provider will accept an application from a member for the provision of services.
Services supplied from an external provider will be subject to the provider’s own terms and conditions, and we do not accept any liability for loss or damage suffered as a result of a fault, error or omission in the provision of these services.
We reserve the right to change our external providers without prior notice and our decision on services provided is final.
Subscribers will receive:
- CMI’s email newsletter, at least monthly;
- Access to CMI's online on-demand information resources via the ManagementDirect portal;
- Invitations to a select number of digital Continuous Professional Development (CPD) events each year.
Subscribers do not have access to the full range of benefits generally available for CMI Members and do not receive our magazine. They are not able to vote in CMI elections or use CMI letters after their name. However, Subscribers can upgrade to full membership and gain access to such benefits subject to an appropriate assessment being successfully completed.
Membership Contract
When you click to submit your application online, or send details of your application by post, telephone or email, you are making an offer to subscribe to the CMI which, if accepted by us, will result in a legally binding contract.
At the point of renewal of your membership, your renewal payment is confirmation of the continued acceptance of this contract. You may not transfer any of your rights and obligations under these terms and conditions to another person.
Online application
For online applications you will either have sight of a confirmation page and receive an email. At the point of completing your online application a legally binding contract is formed.
Written/verbal Application
For applications made verbally, via a written application form or email, the contract between us will be formed when we send your welcome email.
Cooling off period
Once we accept your application, you have seven working days in which you may cancel your subscription without any penalty if you change your mind. If you wish to cancel, you must notify us within these seven working days in writing, by email.
Professional development and conduct
By proceeding with this application you are confirming that, as a member of the Chartered Management Institute, you will be committed to the development of others and that you intend to develop your management skills and professionalism continuously.
All members other than Subscribers are also agreeing to abide by the CMI’s Code of Practice for Professional Managers
All members subject to the Code sign up to it on joining, and reaffirm their commitment on an annual basis through renewal of membership. Any breach of the Code which results in a formal complaint made against you may lead to disciplinary procedures.
Rights to refuse applications or downgrade applications
We reserve the right to reject or cancel your application if we are unable to obtain payment authorisation from the issuer of your card or from your bank in the case of direct debit payments. If you have been convicted of a criminal offence which is not yet spent, or have a prosecution pending, this must be declared. A declaration must also be made of insolvency or undischarged bankruptcy. Please note: this information will be treated in the strictest confidence and will only be taken into account if relevant. Spent convictions under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act need not be disclosed.
We may immediately revoke the membership of any member who provides misleading or false information. Our decision in this respect is final.
Grades and upgrades are granted by our assessment team. We may downgrade an application if the evidence we have received does not meet the assessment criteria. You may appeal any grade offer or downgrading if you believe it to be unjust on the basis that it does not reflect your management experience. If you appeal, we will carry out a review, following which the decision of the assessment team will be final.
Force majeure
Neither party shall be liable to the other for any delay or non-performance of its obligations by reason of matters beyond its control including, but not limited to, any act of terrorism, war, riot, civil commotion, compliance with any law or government order, fire, flood or storm, pandemic, strikes, or any other industrial dispute, delay in transit, power failure, postal delay, or any event that cannot be reasonably be planned for or avoided.
In such a situation, we will perform our obligations as soon as is reasonably possible.
Cancellation and refunds
Your CMI membership will automatically renew upon the anniversary of your application. You will receive a renewal notice in advance of the anniversary of your application date, informing you of your entitlement to cancel and of any changes to your Direct Debit payment. Any payment arrangements that have been made by Direct Debit will automatically continue, unless you notify your bank/building society that you wish to cancel it.
If you wish to cancel your membership, you must inform us of your intention to cancel a minimum of ten working days prior to the anniversary of your application. This must be sent to us in writing by letter or email.
Although you may cancel your membership at any time, no refunds will be provided unless the notice requirements are complied with.
Price information
Membership fees are set out on our website. For verbal or postal applications, the fees are set out in the application form or as quoted by a CMI representative.
Payment may be made either:
Annually, by cheque, credit or debit card or direct debit
Quarterly, by direct debit;
Monthly by direct debit, PayPal, ApplePay, GooglePay or recurring card payment.
We reserve the right to increase the price of the membership fee on an annual basis. You will be informed of any fee increase within your renewal notification. If we discover an error in the price of your membership, we will inform you as soon as is reasonably possible.
Fees are for individual membership only.
Payment Methods
Card payments: If you are not using your own credit/debit card to pay your membership fee, you must ask the permission of the card holder before entering the payment details.
Direct debit: Payment by direct debit is the simplest and the most convenient way to pay your CMI subscription. If you pay by instalments it will also help spread the cost.
If you have an annual direct debit agreement then payment is automatic through your bank or building society, beginning on the payment date shown on your renewal notice. If you are just setting up your first direct debit, the first annual payment, or first payment on a monthly or quarterly schedule, will be taken from your account on the first working day of the month after it is returned to us, providing that it is returned ten working days before the month end.
If the direct debit mandate is provided later than ten working days before the month end, then the payment will not be taken until the following calendar month.
Other methods: Certain members are eligible to pay with PayPal, ApplePay, GooglePay or recurring card payment, through which monthly instalments can be selected to help spread the cost. If you are just setting up payments through any of these methods, payment will be taken after you join. If you are eligible for these payment methods, they will be displayed as options when you join or renew online.
Whichever payment method you choose, when you apply for, or renew, your membership, you are confirming that you are authorised to make payment.
We will not be liable to you in respect of any membership related benefits, goods or services provided by a party other than CMI and we specifically exclude liability for any loss or damage suffered by you as a result of your involvement in whatever manner with a third party.
Our liability to you in the event of magazines being lost in dispatch shall be limited to replacement of the missing issues at our discretion.
Care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the Magazine, and any other journals; however, neither we nor the authors can accept liability for errors and omissions within the magazines.
You acknowledge that you are joining or subscribing to CMI for professional or business purposes.
These Terms and Conditions do not and shall not affect your statutory rights.
We take care to ensure all content and information provided by us is as complete, accurate and up to date as possible.
However, we provide the information for educational and training purposes only and you should not rely on it as the sole basis for making business, legal or other decisions. You should seek appropriate independent advice before applying any of the information provided to specific situations.
The content of all publications are the opinion of the author.
The content of all publications are the opinion of the author.
You must not do anything which infringes the copyright or other rights of the author.
Information services
Diligence and care should be taken when using the information provided. All services are subject to copyright law. We use our best endeavours to ensure all information provided by us is as up to date as possible.
However, you should not rely on the information provided as the sole basis for making business, legal or other decisions. You should seek appropriate independent advice before making any such decisions.
The content of all Institute publications are the opinion of the author.
Members may be invited to events organised by us or our partners for informational and networking purposes.
Cancellations made 14 days or more before any chargeable event will be refunded in full. Cancellations after that date will be charged in full, although substitute attendees can be made at any time.
Please check details at the time of booking.
We may change these terms and conditions at any time upon giving you 14 days prior written notice, following which time the amended version will become binding.
You may cancel your membership without penalty if you do not accept any proposed variation.
Prize draw and competition rules
Prize draws and competitions are subject to separate terms and conditions which will be made available at the relevant time.
If any court or competent authority decides that any of these terms and conditions are invalid, unlawful or unenforceable to any extent, that term will be deleted and the remaining terms will not be affected.A person who is not party to these terms and conditions shall not have any rights under or in connection with them under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.
Except as stated above, these terms and conditions constitute the whole agreement between us in relation to your membership and override any previous or inconsistent terms or statements made at any time.
Governing law and jurisdiction
These terms and conditions are governed by and will be construed in accordance with English law. Any dispute or claim must be brought before the English courts irrespective of a member’s location.
Third parties
A person who is not party to these Terms shall not have any rights under or in connection with them under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.
Entire agreement
These terms and conditions override any contrary terms or conditions published by us in relation to any membership subscription between you and us.
CMI Brand
You may not use our logo, trade mark, or any other aspect of our branding unless you are a Chartered Manager, an approved centre or partner of the CMI, and we have granted you express permission.
Queries comments and complaints
If you have any queries, comments or complaints about your subscription please contact our customer services team:
Telephone: +44 (0)1536 207307 (lines are open Mon-Thurs 10am-4pm and Fri 9am-12pm, excluding public holidays and CMI’s Christmas holiday)
Post: Management House, Cottingham Road, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN17 1TT
If you have any queries, comments or complaints about your subscription please contact our customer services team:
Telephone: 01536 207307 (lines are open Mon-Thurs 10am-4pm and Fri 9am-12pm) (excluding public holidays and Institute Christmas holiday)
Post: Management House, Cottingham Road, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN17 1TT