
A better managed Britain? The key facts at a glance

Wednesday 18 October 2023
Explore the powerful findings from CMI's research into the impact of good management in this infographic
Thumbnail of the Better Managers Report cover

Management has had an image problem of late. But good management can change the world. It lifts people up and encourages them to take on new challenges. It stamps out harassment. It leads to better patient care in the health sector – even saving lives.

We now have proof that bad management, on the other hand, pushes workers out the door. CMI’s latest research, conducted in partnership with YouGov, surveyed more than 4,500 people across the UK – and we found that half of employees with ineffective managers are planning to leave within the next 12 months.

The research also shines a light on the sheer volume of managers who are coming into the job without adequate training: 82% – that’s eight in ten.

Discover many more powerful findings in this infographic, laying out the key findings from this research.

Want to see the key facts at a glance?


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