
Mentoring and coaching in the new normal

Written by Beth Gault Wednesday 12 January 2022
Reverse mentoring, team coaching, remote mentoring: We explore how to help your employees develop in the post-pandemic workplace
Two women working together in front of a laptop

There is a lot of interest in coaching and mentoring from managers, though the lines often blur. In reality, they are different disciplines: while coaching is often for a specific purpose with goals attached, mentoring can be more of a general development tool.

With workplaces forced to do even more online, many aspects of employee development are going that way too. From virtual on- and off-boarding and appraisals to digital coaching and mentoring, online is becoming the ‘new normal’.

To kick off the new year, we took a look at how managers can use different forms of coaching and mentoring to help their employees develop; why it’s more important than ever to be putting these schemes in place; and what this looks like in a post-pandemic world.

Keep reading to learn how to use coaching and mentoring to develop employees in the post-pandemic workplace


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