Policy Paper:

Levelling Up – mind the productivity gap

Monday 17 January 2022
In our levelling up paper, we make the case that investing in management and leadership will be critical to the UK’s economic recovery from the pandemic and to address the country’s long standing productivity gap.

British SMEs employ two thirds of the workforce, but only 13% invest in their management and leadership capabilities. SME investment in management and leadership training also varies by nation: England (13%), Wales (8%), Scotland (12%), and Northern Ireland (13%).

The Government has signalled its intention to boost the UK’s productivity as a central part of its levelling up agenda.

Good management is crucial to the UK’s economic recovery post-pandemic and for the Government to deliver on its levelling up goals to:

  • reduce regional inequality
  • boost productivity
  • deliver on major infrastructure projects

If the Government is serious about levelling up all parts of the UK it must prioritise management and leadership. This will also rectify the consistent market failure of low investment in management and leadership skills.

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