Today’s management challenges: happiness, generation gaps and “cocky” employees
The Management Publication of the Year 2024 longlist is announced
Does the modern workplace accentuate gaps between generations? How can we bridge the gap?
Chartered Manager of the Week Ram Sharan Thapa CMgr FCMI on fostering a culture of continuous development
How CMI is helping Dr Thesara Jayawardane CMgr FCMI promote equality in Sri Lanka
Paul Jackson CMgr FCMI’s journey from apprentice to CMI Fellow over his 52-year career
Inclusion expert Tanya McCalmon CMgr MCMI on how diversity takes many different forms
How to get everyone on board with new ways of working – from how to be respectful of old habits, to the importance of praise
Chartered Manager of the Week Catherine Myszka ChMC CMgr FCMI: “I started asking what was wrong. Was it me?”
How and when to highlight unacceptable language or behaviour, however subtle – and improve your organisation’s culture