
Skills First

Wednesday 11 March 2020

Connecting employers, further education and training providers.

CMI’s Learning Providing Conference in July 2016 affirmed that the skills landscape is going through significant change – which offers substantial opportunities to deliver employer-led training that can boost skills and performance.

This white paper captures the insights, ideas and perspectives on directions in further education and training shared by speakers at the conference.


How I help to encourage more women and girls into engineering careers

Engineer Michelle Brown CMgr MCMI is on a mission to boost female engagement in her profession

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How I helped deliver a state-of-the-art e-sports facility

Richard Mortimer on leading the technical team behind a project to revamp Staffordshire University’s e-sports facilities

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“Wherever I go, I want to leave a footprint”

Chartered Manager of the Week Dr Guna Seelan Rethinam CMgr on refining his management skills

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“Doing the degree apprenticeship was probably the best decision I could have made”

How Jessica Bound’s degree apprenticeship unlocked the world of higher education – and boosted her presence at work

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