
Women in Business Turning Promise into Practice

Written by Grant Thornton Monday 14 November 2016
The Gender Diversity Issue Has Been Around for Many Years Yet Many Businesses Still Have No Women in Senior Management
2 adult employees standing at Plasma to present to a team

The gender diversity issue has been on the business agenda for many years now, yet a third of businesses still have no women at a senior management level. Somewhere there is a disconnect.

The business case for gender diversity among business leadership teams is established. It reduces the risk of ‘group-think’ and opens new opportunities for growth. Diversity improves the bottom line: research Grant Thornton conducted shows that listed companies with male-only boards in the UK, US and India alone are foregoing potential profits of $655bn.

Yet despite overwhelming evidence of the benefits of gender diversity in leadership we have made little progress.  Globally the level of women in senior roles has risen just 3% in the past five years, to stand at 24%. We have also seen the proportion of businesses without any women in senior management remain static over the past five years at around 33%. That means a third of companies still have no female input into executive decisions and no women helping grow the business at a leadership level.

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