Videos and Webinars:

Inclusive Leadership: From why to how

Wednesday 27 January 2021

"Inclusive Leaders do what they say, they “walk the talk”. We know Inclusive Leadership is important and we all want to be inclusive so why is progress so slow?
In this digital event. Dean Bellman and Reetu Kansal discuss how to make and sustain progress within your organisation, including typical stumbling blocks and techniques for addressing them.
Reetu Kansal co-founded and chairs the University of London’s first Race Equality Group and is passionate about turning words into deeds. Reetu is a CMI regional D&I Lead and is on the CMI’s Race Advisory Panel, specifically steering work on allyship in the workplace. Dean Bellman has first hand experience of the power of a positive mindset. He enables individuals, teams and entire organisations to enhance positive mental health and performance through practical Positive Psychology based training.

In this session...

This event follows on from the very popular digital event 'Inclusive Leadership: Your Greatest Asset?' Watch it today.


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