Videos and Webinars:

Mindfulness for Performance under Pressure

Wednesday 11 August 2021

This event will give insight into what mindfulness is, what it isn’t and why it’s not for the faint hearted.
The UK military teaches mindfulness as a tool to help personnel perform well in combat. Adobe, Aetna, Facebook, Intel, Goldman Sachs and Google offer mindfulness training to employees.

On average, Intel participants reported a:

  • Two-point decrease (on a scale of 1 to 10) in stress and feeling overwhelmed,
  • Three-point increase in overall happiness and wellbeing,
  • Two-point increase in new ideas, insights, mental clarity, creativity, ability to focus, quality of relationships at work, and level of engagement in meetings [source 1 below]. Mindfulness has been proven to work for these organisations and this tool can work for you too.

In this session...

We are joined by ex-helicopter combat pilot, Air Safety and Human Factors trainer Sarah Furness, Founder of Well Be It, which supports individuals and organisations to become the architect of their own wellbeing.

Please note: this event is NOT a mindfulness training course but an informative session into how you can use mindfulness as a tool at work.


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