Videos and Webinars:

The hidden cost of culture in mergers & acquisitions

Monday 21 March 2022

You know a great company culture when you come across it, you feel a commitment to a common purpose, shared support and belonging. New forces post-covid are having a renewed impact on culture change, especially when you consider this as part of an M&A environment.
Cultural awareness should be a guiding principle in early-stage M&A conversations. This means understanding both organisations’ culture and thinking carefully about potential opportunities and likely challenges. If culture is ignored or downplayed, M&A journeys can result in significant value loss. If we don’t focus on this then the value expected from a deal will be diluted by the hidden cost of culture.

In this session...

Becky Pettifer of the UKHSA, as well as Grant Laten and Mark Walker, Associate Partners at Oaklin will explore why culture must be as front and centre in an organisation’s M&A journey and what steps can managers and leaders can take to preserve – and indeed enhance – their organisation’s culture in this changed environment.

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