Support Hub: Website and Resources

Log in to your account

As a CMI member you can login to the website to access a range of member resources.  We use a passwordless sign on system, so all you need is an email address or google account.

Step 1: login to the website

  • At the top right hand of the screen, click the person icon and option to login
Screenshot of the person icon on website
Screenshot of the person icon on website
  • At the login screen, there are two login options.  Select your preferred login option and follow any on-screen prompts
Passwordless access options image
Screenshot of log in website page
  • Once logged in, you'll see the user icon change to an image or initial.
Screenshot of personal icon after log in
Screenshot of personal icon after log in

 Your CMI account

  • The main screen will display the My Account message with your membership number.
Screenshot of my account webpage
Screenshot of my account webpage

Step 2: If you receive a error not recognising your email address.

  • This may happen where there is a mismatch on email addresses in our system.
  • If you get an error message that says…Your email address is not recognised

Contact the membership team on 01536 207307

