UK Managers Gloomy About Economic Growth Outlook Following Brexit Referendum.
The Future Forecast for 2018.
UK managers are expecting a tough 2018, as the continued uncertainty surrounding Brexit knocks confidence in the workplace and expectations of economic growth falls to 28% for the year ahead.
CMI surveyed 1,037 managers in November – December 2017.
Read the full infographic to find out:
- What impact they think Brexit will have on their organisations and the economy in 2018
- Challenges for the year ahead
- Business priorities for the next 12 months
The decline in managers’ optimism in the UK economy for 2018 is unsurprising given Brexit uncertainties. Managers are battening down the hatches, prioritising controlling costs over investing in development - particularly in their staff. But this short-termism feeds a vicious downward cycle. We need to rebuild confidence and nurture growth through investing in people.
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