
Conflict Management: Turn Problems Into Creative Sparks

Written by Patrick Dunne CMgr CCMI Friday 29 July 2016
Patrick Dunne CMgr CCMI, former Chair of CMI’s Board of Companions, shares his expertise on managing conflicts at work, and how sometimes the biggest dispute can be with yourself.
employees arguing at work

Conflict management is a key part of every manager’s armoury, but it is all too easy to concentrate on the wrong aspect of this prickly subject.

In an article for Economia, Patrick Dunne CMgr CCMI, who is the former Chair of CMI’s Board of Companions, recently wrote that sometimes it is a manager’s internal conflict that can be the hardest to resolve.

“It may be natural to focus on managing conflict with others. However, when dealing with tough choices, sometimes the trickiest conflict to manage is the one within yourself,” he said. “For example, the age-old dilemma for those in the finance function: “Should I challenge this or keep quiet?”

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