
“I already had the passion… now I feel qualified”: Hollie’s management apprenticeship story

Written by Jamie Oliver Tuesday 19 November 2024
How a Level 5 management apprenticeship boosted actuary Hollie Haslam CMgr MCMI’s confidence post-maternity leave
Hollie Haslam

“I had a baby in the middle of the apprenticeship,” says Hollie Haslam CMgr MCMI, who obtained a distinction in her Level 5 Operations/Department Manager apprenticeship last year. “I also work part-time. But one of the great things about an apprenticeship is that you can switch it off and switch it back on again.”

Manchester-based Hollie says she embarked on the apprenticeship before she was pregnant and that she wasn’t thinking about having children at that point. 

“I went in thinking: I want to come out with a qualification, letters after my name. But actually, the apprenticeship helped in various other ways.

“After going on maternity leave, and I’m sure a lot of women would say this, when you come back, you do lose your confidence a bit, coming back to a role you were doing over a year ago when you’ve spent the past 12 months singing nursery rhymes. 

“But doing the apprenticeship really helped me build that confidence back up. The programme framework is so formalised and supportive that it felt like you had someone hand-holding you throughout.”

“Not for the faint-hearted”

Hollie is an actuary at Mercer, part of Marsh McLennan, a global professional services firm. An actuary advises organisations and trustees on their pension schemes. These can be in either the private or public sector, and large or small. After obtaining a degree in maths at the University of Manchester, she joined Mercer 17 years ago. Today, she has various letters after her name, as a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries and a Chartered Manager.

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