
Why every entrepreneur needs to think about business ethics

Written by Dr Thesara Jayawardane CMgr FCMI Wednesday 18 May 2022
An entrepreneurial business is not sustainable if it operates unethically, says this CMI Sri Lanka board member
A statue of Justice in front of a bookcase

You are probably reading this article because you’re an entrepreneur, or perhaps because you’re thinking of starting your own venture. If so, you’re bound to come up against ethical problems – even if you don’t recognise them as such at first. Everything from HR disputes in the workplace to your accounting practices can involve ethical quandaries, where you’re forced to weigh up what’s the morally right thing to do.

My research has shown the critical importance of ethics and ethical perspectives in management for successful entrepreneurial ventures. Fundamentally, the lesson is that no matter how big, strong or wealthy an entrepreneurial business is, it will not be sustainable if it operates in an unethical manner.


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