
Why Your Business Transformations Fail

Written by Tom Chapman Wednesday 05 July 2017
It’s time to ask why so many businesses fail to make their plans for development a success. Could it be down to the human factor?
Rubbish bin

All too often in the business world, a grand scheme for expansion or a visionary new innovation has to be given up for a bad job. Leaving behind a gaping financial hole and the tattered careers of the unfortunate fall guys, even the largest and most high profile organisations have had to abandon revolutionary business projects when it became clear they were beyond redemption.

David Hilliard, CEO of strategy execution specialists Mentor, argues that in the vast majority of cases, business transformations fail due to the people in charge of delivering them. He asserts that insubstantial ideas, poor management, miscommunication and fear of ownership are some of the biggest contributing factors to botched business schemes. Here we share his experiences of failed business transformations, along with the after-effects of failure and why effective project planning is so important.

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