CMI Hong Kong 75th Anniversary Keynote & Dinner

24th October 2023

On the 24th October 2023 CMI Hong Kong held an event at The Hong Kong Club for CMI members, students and management professionals in Hong Kong.

After a welcome from the CMI Hong Kong Chair, Dr. Paulina Chan CMgr CCMI, an opening address was provided by Stephen McLean, Deputy Director for Trade & Investment from DBT.

The CEO of CMI, Ann Francke OBE CMgr CCMI, then delivered a keynote address to celebrate CMI's 75th Anniversary. She spoke about CMI's Everyone Economy report and the new Better Management campaign, with both reports resonating with attendees.

After this the CEO presented recently qualified Chartered Managers (CMgr) and Fellows with their certificates, providing a great opportunity to celebrate the achievements of CMI members in Hong Kong.

The event concluded with dinner and a vibrant networking session.

You can read more about the event and view photos from the evening on the CMI Asia-Pacific Linked page.