Membership Matters

We are listening

Understanding your needs and expectations as members is of vital importance, which is why continuing to exceed them is always at the heart of our mission.

Over the past four months, our team of staff have carried out extensive research with not only current but also lapsed and prospective members. This has enabled us to make insight-led decisions on our engagement strategy to better support you.

We want you to feel passionate and gain benefit from the value that can be obtained from the range of products and services available to you.


Chartered Manager Response

From carrying out transactional analysis of our membership, conducting 550 telephone interviews and receiving around 1,700 responses to our online survey, initial analysis indicates that we must do more to:

  1. Support our Affiliate members during their study
  2. Provide careers advice and support for those at the start of their management career
  3. Promote the range of products and services available to you to ensure you make the most of your membership
  4. Explain how stress-free and seamless it is to become Chartered
  5. Promote the value of your membership

We are still examining outcomes from the research and our new Membership Engagement Director, Simon Bowen, will also develop a comprehensive plan to address each point.

benefits of membership

Top 3 things that would influence your decision to upgrade:

  1. Give me the opportunity to receive 1:1 mentoring by a senior professional in the CMI community
  2. Review my CV and give my career development support (including letting me benchmark my skills and knowledge against others)
  3. Help employers recognise the value of CMI qualifications and membership (build better industry links)
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Membership benefits

CMI equips members with the right tools to succeed. Find out more.