Gender Inequality: A how-to guide
In many organisations, there remains a gap between rhetoric and reality, with female managers continuing to experience everyday sexism and bias in their workplace.
Fixing these 'broken windows' is the most urgent challenge facing any manager trying to support gender balance in their organisation.
This campaign reveals the 'broken windows' of gender bias that still – for far too many women – mar the reality of work. This can include being talked over in meetings, being described as pushy or shrill when they are being decisive or firm, or being objectified. Our aim is to bring to light these behaviours, encouraging both men and women to call these out in the workplace.
Call out, challenge, change behaviours
Too many 'broken window' behaviours pass unchallenged. Make 2020 the year for action. Everyone has a role to play.
Join our CMI Women Facebook group to share your day-to-day experiences and solutions for a gender-balanced workplace. This will help us all to find the best ways to create more inclusive cultures.
Why the drive for gender diversity?
Workplace equality could add £150bn to the UK economy by 2025 (Mckinsey).
82% of managers agree diversity training should be core to every manager's professional development.
Male managers are 40% more likely to be promoted than women.
Managers rate flexible working as one of the top 5 routes to helping women progress.
The gender pay gap among managers still stands at 26.8%.
Only 8% of managers say that their organisation sets gender diversity targets.

Join the CMI Women Network
Join CMI Women and be part of a network driving gender balance in the workplace and leading the way for women in management and leadership. Joining CMI Women is free for CMI members.
If you're not a CMI member, you can register online now for your exclusive one year's introductory £60 membership, saving up to £140, depending on grade.