Better management and leadership through employee ownership
Nine in 10 people (90%) working in employee-owned companies describe its leadership style as ‘high performing, visionary, democratic and coaching’, compared to just six in 10 (58%) working in non-employee-owned businesses.
That’s according to CMI and MoralDNA™ who explore the performance and productivity benefits to organisations of employee ownership in The MoralDNA of Employee-Owned Companies: Ownership Ethics and Performance.
The report provides employers, and managers and leaders, with compelling, practical insight from research into the positive impact employee ownership makes on how a business is managed.
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The MoralDNA of Employee-Owned Companies Report
Download your copy of the report to find out more on:
- Why the culture, values and ethics of employee-owned companies are stronger than in those with other forms of ownership
- The effects of increasing employee engagement through a flatter organisational hierarchy, with staff having a greater stake in the company’s success
- Why companies with more human, agile and inclusive forms of management will dominate in a world becoming more socially connected, democratic and disruptive
Real-life lessons from the leaders and managers of employee-owned companies on the performance benefits of employee ownership.
VIDEO: Why Managers Leave Their Morals At The Office Door
Chartered Managers share their views on why managers all too often leave their morals and values at the front door when they go to work.
Related Content
Press Release: Ethics matters more to managers in employee-owned companies, new research reveals
Insight: Employee owned companies are more ethical - CMI research
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The MoralDNA of Performance
Find out about the links between ethics, culture and organisational performance in our previous report.
Managers and their MoralDNA
Find out more on how managers’ ethics and values change at work.
View the Managers and their MoralDNA Research
The MoralDNA Resource Pack
Get access to the MoralDNA Infographic, Top 10 Steps to an Ethical Organisation and The CMI Ethics Toolkit.
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