Board and committees
The Institute is governed by a Board of Trustees
This is composed of:
- President
- Immediate Past President
- Chief Executive
- Four Elected Members
- Four Co-opted Members
- Ex-officio Member (Chair of Board of Companions)
- Ex-officio Member (Chair of Consultancy Community)
The Board meets quarterly. Having agreed the overarching strategic objectives, the Board has key success measures in place, which it monitors. The Board also has responsibility for the overall financial health of the organisation, monitoring risk factors and agreeing actions with the Director team.
The Committees of the Board consider detailed policy across all areas of CMI activity and have delegated powers to act on the Board’s behalf, for example in making recommendations on membership subscriptions, awarding the Institute’s Gold Medal and issuing the Code of Conduct Practice.
The structure of the Committees is as follows:
Nominations Committee | Regional Devolved Nations Advisory Committee |
Regulation Compliance Committee | External Affairs & Insight Committee |
Complaints & Investigation Panel | CMI Women Committee |
Board of Companions | IC Advisory Committee |
Remuneration Committee | Finance & Audit Committee |
The Institute follows good governance practice via its 3 Corporate Governance Committees – Finance & Audit, Nominations and Remuneration.
If you are interested, as a CMI member, in finding out more about serving on the Board click here.

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