
Employer or employee – who’s responsible for value creation?

Written by Taranjeet Singh CMgr CCMI Wednesday 07 February 2024
Although employees may think that their employers ‘owe’ them, both play their part in increasing the overall worth of the organisation, explains Taranjeet Singh CMgr CCMI
An image of miniature doorways in the style of 'Alice in Wonderland'

Day-to-day work pressures mean we often get sidetracked from what is truly important. We end up like Alice, scurrying through rabbit holes with little or no regard for why we are doing things or the end destination that we are working towards. 

Through my various interactions with stakeholders across all levels of the organisation, one pertinent question has come to mind – do we work for our employer, or should the employer ‘work’ for employees? 

Think about a time when you have been interviewed. All too often we hear ourselves ask questions such as: I would like to work only three days at the office and the remaining two at home, is that possible? Or, when will you be sending me for my MBA or other postgraduate studies? Or even, when will I start presenting to the CEOs and their senior team?

These are just a few examples of questions I have heard over the past few years when interviewing fresh graduates. And while all valid questions in their own right, when viewed from the perspective of employers, it feels like they are now being pushed into a corner to respond affirmatively to questions such as these for fear of losing out on new talent. 

So how can employers navigate this challenge?

What to learn more about the concept of “value creation” and how it can help you?


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