Policy Publications

The CMI's policy papers are based on the latest research and surveys among our membership, and thereby represent the views of practicing managers across the UK.

These formal contributions complement our ongoing engagement with a wide range of policy makers and stakeholders, including Select Committees, All Party Parliamentary Groups and other business bodies.

These publications ensure we keep management and leadership at the forefront of the public policy making agenda.

If you would like to discuss any of the publications below, or direct the Policy Team to any calls for evidence we may like to respond to, please don’t hesitate to get in touch:


25 entries found
Topic: Productivity

Autumn Budget 2024; CMI Submission

CMI’s representation to the UK Government’s 2024 Autumn Budget.

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Mission Possible – A plan for a stronger managed UK

Read CMI’s policy paper setting out key areas of challenge for a new government.

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Topic: Productivity

Spring Budget 2024; CMI Submission

CMI’s representation to the UK Government’s 2024 Spring Budget.

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Topic: Productivity

Spring Budget 2023; CMI Submission

Read CMI’s representation to the UK Government’s 2023 Spring Budget, outlining the need to tackle the UK’s management skills

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Topic: Ethnicity

CMI response to the Government’s response to the CRED report

On Thursday 17th March 2022, the Government published their response to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities (CRED)

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Levelling Up – mind the productivity gap

Investing in management and leadership will be critical to the UK’s economic recovery.

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Delivering Success for Wales

The economy in Wales depends on world class management and leadership

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Topic: Productivity

CMI’s Submission to the 2021 Comprehensive Spending Review

Management and leadership skills can unlock Britain’s future. CMI publishes its priorities ahead of the 2021 CSR

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

CMI Policy Briefing: Ethnicity Pay Reporting

CMI Policy Briefing on Ethnicity Pay Reporting, setting out what it is, why it matters and what next steps look like.

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Topic: Productivity

Driving UK Post Pandemic Prosperity

New Report from CMI/IoD: Putting Management and Leadership skills at the heart of the UK rebuild.

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

Gender Pay Gap Reporting; Policy Briefing

Policy briefing for gender pay gap

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

CMI response to ethnic disparities and inequality in the UK

CMI publishes its response to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities call for evidence

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